Friday, February 4, 2011

January 25, 2011

Hi Family!
In my stress to get to the computer before we go to the temple I forgot to bring the notecard I have with mom and dad's emails on it, so I hope this gets to everyone.
I'm doing well!  My companion is Sister Reynolds from Payson.  She's a history major at BYU.  We're both going to Tulsa.  The six elders in my district are too.  The MTC has been a good experience so far.  It's really humbling.  I have a lot to learn as far as contacting people and being brave enough to talk to them, and knowing what I'm talking about well enough to keep them interested and to bring the Spirit so it can do the work.  The Spiritis strong, though, and there's a lot of support from leaders, at least on Sundays, reassuring us that the Lord is helping us and we can do it. My district is fun.  Apart from us going to Tulsa there are two sisters who are going to Florida.  They are in our room along with two sisters learning Mong, going somewhere crazy I can't remember right now. 
The best part of the MTC is definitely the firesides, and probably the devotionals, but I haven't been to one yet.  A man named Brother Stephen Allen came and talked to us.  He was so funny!  He told this story about how one time in church he was getting a drink at the fountain and a little boy was trying to get a drink on the smaller one next to him. The water pressure was bad, so everytime he pushed the button the kid's water would go higher and everytime he let go the kid's would go way lower.  He used this to spray the kid in the face about 7 times.  He was in the Stake Presidency at the time.  That was pretty funny. The moral of his story was that the kid never realized who was causing him his grief.  It's important for us to realize that when we're having problems, it's Satan pushing our buttons.  I'm a member of the Lord's army now, doing the most important work there is to do, so he's gonna push my buttons, and he's gonna push yours, so we should do our best not to let him.
The hardest part of the MTC is being in a companionship.  Sister Reynolds and I are similar in that we are both used to doing things on our own, and different in that we just do things differently.  Also, she's good at provoking me, much like Kristen was when we were younger :)  The other hard part is wanting so much to use the one hour per day I have to study the gospel on my own, but my District, who are all rambunctious and energetic, have trouble being quiet.  I've been plugging my ears, but we've made a district goal to do better at being focused when we should, so things should get better there.
Use!  It's free as long as I'm at the MTC and I get it the day after you send it. 
I love you all so much, and I love my Savior.  I want others to know what I know and to feel what I feel, and most importantly, I want them to do the things they need to so they can be with their families forever. I'd bear more of my testimony, but I'm out of time. Take care.  I miss you and I'm praying for you. 
Sister Monson

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