Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 14, 2011

Well, I'm in the mission field!  As you probably know already from Sister Fatheringham, I'm in Springfield, MO with Sister St. Clair.  I love her!  She's a sweetheart and very supportive and a very good missionary. She's from Utah/Arizona and she went to BYU 3 1/2 years before her mission, just like me.  She's so much like Jenny's/my old roommate Sammie!  She looks and talks and laughs like her, so I feel like we've been friends for awhile already. 
As soon as I got to my apartment after the 5 hour drive from the mission home (which went surprisingly fast), we left to teach two investigators named Do and Bang.  They're Vietnamese students at the university here.  We teach a lot of students because we're the university sisters and our ward in the singles ward, which is fun.  I love Do and Bang!  Their baptismal date is March 12th (a great birthday present for me!).  We taught them about keeping the Sabbath Day Holy that day and about baptism on Sunday.
Saturday we had a baptism!  I feel really bad for Sister Toorea, the sister whose spot I took, because she had to miss it, but it was wonderful to go to a baptism on my first full day.  The girl, Rachelle, gave a beautiful testimony about how she came to know the gospel is true.  A lot of her family there were Baptist and very upset that she was getting baptized.  I gave a talk on the restoration while she was changing and that was intimidating with all of those upset people, but I testified that I know Joseph Smith was a prophet and I felt the Spirit very strongly as I did.
Since being here, we've found two sets of people to teach.  The first one was Matt.  He is...well...very excited about our church and wants to get baptized already, but he didn't really seem to understand what we were saying and also might be going to prison and wouldn't tell us why because he doesn't want to scare us.  That was an interesting lesson.  Then we found a couple expecting a baby.  We went to their house last night to teach them the first lesson and it was CRAZY!!!  The husband's little boy was visiting them and he was clearly starved for attention and wouldn't stop yelling and showing us things.  Poor little guy.  We couldn't teach at all. Then the husband's father came out and he listened and we might teach him again, but he was kinda creepy. So far in my mission, I'm just feeling so blessed for how I was raised and that I've always had the gospel.  These people are so, so lost.  I'm looking forward to seeing families be mended and lives changed through accepting the restored gospel.
The members here are SO helpful!  We have dinner appointments every single night and there is always someone willing to come teach a lesson with us and give us a ride.  The weather has been beautiful.  This is definitely different from anything else I've done before and it's gonna take a lot of time before I feel like I'm contributing much, but I love the Gospel and I know it's true!

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