Dear Family,
This week has been a good one, full of learning experiences and miracles. A few months ago we met an inactive brother in our ward and visited with him for a little while. He wasn't interested in coming back to church. We invited him to a preparedness fair our church was hosting a couple weeks ago and he and his girlfriend came. She works with a member of the stake presidency in the other stake and has a great deal of respect for him. Because of his example she became interested in the church. They went to church with him last week and this week they came to our ward and brought their kids. He has two 6 yr old twins and she has two teenage girls. We had an amazing lesson with them last week and she showed us how she'd found quads online and was picking which one she wanted to buy. It was a great experience to teach them all.
I've learned great lessons this week about trusting the Lord and having hope. I've always been prone to worry and pessimism. It's been something I've always struggled to overcome. I learned on a deeper level this past week, though, that because of God's love for me, I never need to worry or feel hopeless. No matter what happens, no matter how bad it seems, Heavenly Father won't give me a challenge without helping me through it and giving me what I need to overcome it. The trial will pass and I will be the better for it. In the meantime, there is always something to be grateful for and happy about. I am so grateful for Heavenly Father's love and for the ways I've come to know it more deeply because of my mission. Wasn't President Uchtdorf's talk at the broadcast wonderful? It was just for me :)
I love you all so much and I'm so grateful for the chance I have to serve a mission. I'm grateful for the Savior and the Atonement and the opportunity He gives us to become better. I'm grateful for Heavenly Father's patience and love, and for the tools we have in the church to help us access it and understand it. I love you so much and I'm grateful that we can be a forever family.
Sister Monson
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